Founded by the promoting partners of the “Associazione Disiano Preite”, Analisi giuridica dell’economia is a six-monthly journal dealing with the analysis and the debates on policy and regulation in the field of commercial, market and broker law. Analisi giuridica dell’economia has a monographic character and it promotes an interdisciplinary approach focused on the constant dialogue between jurists and economists. It has been paying special attention to the changes within the regulation structures of business activity and their relations with the market. Dealing with regulation policies involving entrepreneurial and governance structures, Analisi giuridica dell’economia combines scientific exactitude with a flexible structure establishing a connection between theoretical investigation and empirical analysis of phenomena.
Editorial Board Luigi A. Bianchi, Mario Cera, Raffaele Lener, Luigi Mansani, Giorgio Meo, Umberto Morera, Gian Domenico Mosco, Antonio Nuzzo, Gustavo Olivieri, Gaetano Presti, Matteo Rescigno, Francesco Vella.
Contact: Società editrice il Mulino -
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Policies regarding re-use of articles can be found also on Sherpa/Romeo.
Il Mulino adopts and promotes specific guidelines about publishing ethics.
The journal is indexed by: RePEc, JournalSeek, Essper, DoGi-Dottrina Giuridica, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP), Google Scholar, Primo Central (Ex Libris), EDS (EBSCO).
The journal is rated "A", by the Italian academic research evaluation agency (Anvur), for the following scientific area: 12 b1 (Diritto commerciale).