Micro & Macro Marketing

Rivista quadrimestrale

  • Publisher Il Mulino
  • ISSN 1121-4228
  • E-ISSN 2612-2073
  • Periodicity four-monthly


CFP: Sostenibilità e trasformazione digitale nel commercio

Coniugare sostenibilità e trasformazione digitale nel commercio e nei canali distributivi. Guest editors: Fabio Musso, Monica Grosso, Cristina Zerbini. A che punto di queste trasformazioni sono attualmente le aziende industriali e commerciali nell’ambito dei canali distributivi? Quali sono le principali sfide che devono affrontare per realizzare queste trasformazioni? Come le imprese oggi gestiscono la duplice transizione e come è possibile misurare il ritorno di ciò che è stato implementato? [continua]


The last few years have witnessed a number of unexpected events which dramatically changed the rule of the game across many industries. For example, the spread of multiple COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks challenged worldwide economies, requiring prompt governmental interventions to sustain national economies.

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• Expressions of interest and abstract – Oct. 31, 2022
• Initial screening of abstracts and informing of those selected to proceed – Nov. 15, 2022
• Deadline for submission of full paper – March 10, 2023
• Publication: December 2023


CFP: Marketing for Start-Up

Innovative high-tech start-ups, born from research-based knowledge and young talents’ creative ideas, are frequently exposed to the risk of not taking off as fully fledged companies. In fact, they might lack the culture and skills needed to look beyond technology, towards the commercialization of new products and services. Indeed, the transition from the phase of research (more technology-focused) to the market, during which the ability of these new entrepreneurial projects to survive is rather limited, is particularly challenging. Expressions of interest and abstract – 10/12/2022. Deadline for submission of full paper – 01/05/2023. Read all

  • Publisher Il Mulino
  • ISSN 1121-4228
  • E-ISSN 2612-2073
  • Periodicity four-monthly




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