Cover Universal Justice?


book € 22,00
series "Saggi"
pp. 272, Brossura, 978-88-15-39059-2
publication year 2024


Universal Justice?

States and the International Criminal Court: Assessment of a Pledge

The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 1998, with the signing of the Rome Statute, later ratified by more than 120 countries. In creating the ICC, the international community envisaged a global criminal justice system capable of putting an end to impunity for the perpetrators of serious international crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. After more than 20 years of activity, the universal nature of the ICC’s promise clashes with harsh reality: on the one hand, states have not equipped themselves with adequate national laws for dealing with crimes under international law; on the other hand, the Court itself is accused of selectivity, double standards, lack of effectiveness, and politicisation. And yet, in the face of the new wars that are bloodying Ukraine and the Middle East, the sturdy link between peace and justice has been reaffirmed, giving public opinion a glimmer of hope and showing countries that political action is possible. In this work, the author provides a balanced portrait of the ICC and identifies the key legal concepts underpinning one of the most important debates of our times.

Chantal Meloni teaches Criminal Law at the University of Milan and is a senior legal advisor to the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin.

Una premessa terminologica
I. La giustizia internazionale al varco
1. Le origini: da Norimberga all’Aja
2. Le sfide attuali
3. Un (eco)sistema emergente
II. La Corte penale internazionale
1. Un’«istituzione rivoluzionaria»
2. La prassi della Corte: Africa, prima fase
3. La prassi della Corte: «Out of Africa», seconda fase
4. Primi bilanci e prospettive critiche
III. Gli Stati e la giurisdizione universale
1. «Addomesticare» il diritto penale internazionale
2. La giurisdizione universale
3. I procedimenti davanti alle corti in Europa
4. La cooperazione giudiziaria in materia di crimini internazionali
5. Primi bilanci e prospettive critiche
IV. La società civile
1. Le spinte al cambiamento dal basso: gli attori
2. Strategic litigation: i mezzi
3. La responsabilità degli attori economici e le nuove frontiere del penale internazionale
4. Approcci critici al diritto penale internazionale
Conclusioni: per una giustizia universale
Bibliografia selezionata
Indice particolareggiato

See also

copertina Allegro ma non troppo
copertina Le buone letture di Ezio Raimondi
copertina History's Most Dangerous Journey
copertina Razza