Cover Laid Bare


book € 17,00
e-book € 12,99
Formato:  ePub
series "Memoria"
pp. 168, Brossura, 978-88-15-38941-1
publication year 2024


Laid Bare

Recollections of a Militant Archaeologist

Paolo Matthiae’s name is inextricably linked to the major archaeological expedition – comprising a succession of uninterrupted campaigns he directed between 1964 and 2010 – that led to the discovery of the ancient city of Ebla in Syria. Gazing into the past, the renowned archaeologist unravels the memories accumulated during his exceptional life and research experience, amidst extraordinary gratifications, bitter difficulties, significant rewards, and unpredictable disappointments. This memoir allows readers to share the vibrant emotions associated with his finds, the sorrowful regret for the academic and political tensions underlying his discoveries, and the courage with which the scholar was able to face and overcome the many problems that arose in areas marked by endless conflicts.

Paolo Matthiae is professor emeritus at the Sapienza University in Rome as well as a member of Italy’s Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and several international academies.

I. Anni giovanili
II. Una scoperta epocale
III. Anni difficili
IV. Nuove scoperte
V. Tra mostre e congressi
VI. Onori e delusioni
VII. Patrimonio culturale e tristezze
Indice dei nomi e dei luoghi

See also

copertina L'infiltrata
copertina La storia al tempo dell'oggi
copertina Per un punto Orfeo perse la cappa
copertina Storia minima della popolazione del mondo