Navigating Techno-Futures in Education

Special Issue 1/2026. Editors: Danilo Taglietti, Leonardo Piromalli leonardo.piromalli@proton.meDeadlines: Paper submission: October 1, 2026. Submissions must be written in English and should not exceed 45.000 characters (including spaces and references). They can only be submitted through the Scuola Democratica online platform, using the “1 / 2026” prefix in the submission title. Papers that do not thoroughly comply with the Scuola Democratica  Submission Preparation Checklist will not be considered for review. Referees’ reports: April 30, 2026. Submission of the final version of accepted papers: June 30, 2026. Read the Call for papers

Rubrica: News
  • Publisher Il Mulino
  • ISSN 1129-731X
  • E-ISSN 2039-2699
  • Periodicity four-monthly


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