Copertina Buon Vivere (Good Living) as Relationship Economy


a stampa € 24,00
collana "Percorsi"
pp. 264, Brossura, 978-88-15-29828-7
anno di pubblicazione 2022


Buon Vivere (Good Living) as Relationship Economy

The concept of Buon Vivere (Good Living) is a set of good practices and fundamental principles that inspire communities to create new foundations based on the values of equality, sustainability, responsible innovation, an ethical economy, and knowledge. These are the fundamental elements of a society capable of putting people and the relationships between genders, generations, and cultures at its center. The relationship economy is a social system where the behaviors, choices, decisions, and benefits of economic agents are highly dependent on the quality and quantity of their relationships. Therefore, a reflection on Buon Vivere as Relationship Economy must be carried out in multidisciplinary terms ranging from economics to psychology, from urban planning to health care, the challenges of a digital world, and research on development always maintaining a focus on issues of equity and the fundamental role of culture. The essays collected in this book examine the elements that currently prevent or foster Buon Vivere within individual fields. This book is a concrete tool, versatile for education and the promotion of awareness on the topic and its applications.

The idea of Buon Vivere comes from Monica Fantini, a cooperative executive and former vice president of the Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì, which for more than 15 years has been committed to promoting its social goals through actions that disseminate and create integrated awareness such as: festivals, exhibitions, publishing, etc. All of these efforts place people at the center and create networks and relationships among hundreds of local, regional, and national organizations. Stefano Farolfi is an economist and researcher at CIRAD, Joint Research Unit G-Eau, in Montpellier. Fabio Lazzari is a publisher, scientific consultant and journalist. Luca Mazzara is a professor of economics at the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus.

Preface, by Monica Fantini
Forewords, by Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Amartya Sen
Introduction, by Monica Fantini, Stefano Farolfi, Fabio Lazzari and Luca Mazzara
I. The subjective and relational dimension of Good Living, by Leonardo De Pascalis, Rabih Chattat, Federica Andrei and Elena Trombini
II. Urban planning and Good Living, by Valentina Orioli and Martina Massari
III. Creation of shared value and economic and social development: Relationship economy as a driver for territorial governance, by Luca Mazzara
IV. Cultural economics and Good Living, by Giovanna Segre, Paola Borrione and Andrea Porta
V. Analysis of the corporate practices for promoting sustainability and good relations in the workplace, by Benedetta Siboni and Pasqua Rignanese
VI. Well-being in the digitalization era: Opportunities, challenges, and threats, by Matteo Golfarelli
VII. Feeling good, being sick: Living well with chronic conditions, by Antonio Maturo and Marta Gibin
VIII. Good Living and women’s inclusion: Politics, work, care, dialogue, by Emiliana De Blasio and Donatella Selva
IX. Gender equality: A political issue for European Good Living, by Alessandra Moretti
X. Food, ecology and sustainability for Good Living, by Marco Dalla Rosa
XI. From theory to practice: Fostering Good Living conditions through agricultural research for development, by Stefano Farolfi and Sylvain Perret

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