Copertina The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationship


a stampa € 11,00
collana "Democrazie, Diritti, Costituzioni"
pp. 144, Brossura, 978-88-15-23969-3
anno di pubblicazione 2012

GUSTAVO GOZZI (a cura di)

The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationship

The aim of the book is to discuss and analyze the future of the Euro-Mediterranean relationships on the ground of a historical reconstruction from the Barcelona Declaration, to the European Neighbourhood Policy, the Union for the Mediterranean and the uprising of the «Arab Spring», that has caused a new reflection on the relationships between the two shores of Mediterranean. Through a deep and critical analysis of the consequences of the Euro-Mediterranean relationships, that have privileged the autocratic Arab regimes and the EU economic and security objectives – such as the migration control and the struggle against terrorism – rather than the realization of processes of democratization and the protection of human rights, the volume contains essays that can help in understanding the ways we have to go in order to rebuild a new and fruitful Euro-Mediterranean partnership. On the basis of the analysis of the migratory flows, the cooperation and democratization processes, the different concepts of human rights and the possible ways of integration of Islam in Europe, the contributors to this volume clarify the plurality of elements that characterize the Mediterranean area and try to propose perspectives that can make the cooperation between civilizations and cultures possible. After the uprising of the «Arab Spring», the realization of new forms of cooperation represents a necessary condition that can be obtained through the effective participation of the countries of the two shores of Mediterranean area and an open dialogue grounded on mutual acknowledgment and respect, as the only instruments that can neutralize all forms of fundamentalism.

Gustavo Gozzi is full professor of History of Political Doctrines and of Human Rights and History of International Law in Ravenna Campus of the University of Bologna. He is also Director of the Master in Human Rights, Migration, Development at the same University. Among his works: «Democrazia e diritti. Germania: dallo Stato di diritto alla democrazia costituzionale», (Laterza, 1999); «Diritti e civiltà. Storia e filosofia del diritto internazionale», (Il Mulino, 2010).

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