Cover The Culture Factory: Making Culture Work


book € 12,00
available in 4-8 days
series "Contemporanea"
pp. 144, Brossura, 978-88-15-11854-7
publication year 2007


The Culture Factory: Making Culture Work

How Rediscovering Creativity Contributes to a Country's Development

The book opens with virtual questions put by Leonardo da Vinci to the embarrassed policy-makers of an Italian city: “Where in your city is the factory that produces culture? Where are your artists, composers, architects, and writers?” Similar questions are raised in today’s Xian by Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China, buried with his terracotta army.
Historic cities around the world are living witnesses to glorious cultural traditions. In some cases this cultural heritage is well preserved, in others it is falling into ruin, but rarely is the cultural heritage used to produce new culture today. The past is not alive in present­-day expressions of culture.
And so, in opposition to strategies which seek merely to preserve culture, the first part of the book elaborates a model of production of culture, highlighting the role of creativity in the production of culture for the knowledge and information society, and propounds a new view of culture based on coordinating the phases of the supply chain of cultural production.
The second part of the book expands on some strategic sectors, such as fashion, cultural districts of material culture, industrial design, gastronomy, creative industries, performing arts, contemporary art, and museums. Special attention is paid to the new managerial role collective intellectual property rights play in fostering the quality of the culture-based products.
The conclusions advocate that a serious effort be made, in both developed and developing countries, to harness the production of culture.

Walter Santagata is Professor of Cultural Economics at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Torino, Italy and Director of EBLA CENTER, International Center for Research on the Economics of Culture, Institutions, and Creativity.

Introduzione. La domanda che viene da lontano
Parte prima: Un modello di produzione di cultura
1. Produzione di cultura, conservazione di cultura
2. La catena di produzione della cultura
3. Creatività come risorsa, emozioni come requisito
Parte seconda: Le politiche per la produzione di cultura e le poste in gioco nei settori strategici
4. Effetti della creatività sui mercati internazionali: il brillante caso della moda francese
5. I distretti culturali potenziali e la produzione di cultura materiale
6. I diritti della proprietà intellettuale prendono il comando
7. Industria culturale, industrie creative e industrie dello spettacolo
8. Il mercato dell'arte contemporanea
9. Produrre cultura a mezzo dei musei
Conclusioni. Un Libro verde sulla creatività e sulla produzione di cultura in Italia
Riferimenti bibliografici

See also

copertina Le fiere del Regno di Napoli in età aragonese
copertina Il teatro d'opera in Italia
copertina Sviluppo senza autonomia. Effetti perversi delle politiche nel Mezzogiorno
copertina Il monachesimo bizantino nella Sicilia e nell'Italia meridionale prenormanne