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REGISTERThis manual presents an exhaustive overview of sociology of deviance, one of the most widespread disciplines in universities. Adopting a comparative perspective and focusing especially on Europe, the book has two major objectives. The first goal is to illustrate, in a clear and accessible way, the most important theories of deviance, from classic ones to more recent and pioneering ones. The second goal is to supply an empirically-based review of the main forms of deviance (violent crimes, property crimes, exploitation of prostitution, economic crime, trade in illegal substances) and sanction systems.
Contents: Introduction - 1. Definitions and Theories of Deviance - 2. Suicide - 3. Legal and Illegal Substances - 4. Prostitution - 5. Crimes against Property - 6. Violent Crime - 7. Economic Crime - 8. The Penal System - Bibliographical References - Index
Marzio Barbagli teaches Sociology at the University of Bologna.
Asher Colombo teaches General Sociology and Sociology of Deviance at the University of Bologna.
Ernesto Savona teaches Criminology at the Catholic University in Milan and the University of Turin.