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Cover Statistics for Psychology: II. Inferential Statistics and Data Analysis


cover price € 22,00
book € 20,90
available in 10-15 days
series "Itinerari"
pp. 264, 978-88-15-08413-2
publication year 2002


Statistics for Psychology: II. Inferential Statistics and Data Analysis

II. Statistica inferenziale e analisi dei dati

The handbook has been divided into two separate volumes: the first focuses on basic concepts and applications of descriptive statistics in psychology; the second deals with probability and hypothesis testing (inferential statistics) and the text is organised into units designed to facilitate instructors and students tasks. A distinctive feature shared by both volumes is the fact that, rather then demonstrating theorems though the use of symbols and formulae, statistical tools are directly applied to psychological contexts, ample use is made of practical examples, and special attention is paid to the disciplines psychometric elements.

Contents: Volume II: Introduction - 1. Probability, Theorems, and Distributions - 2. Hypothesis Testing - 3. Parametric and Non-Parametric Statistical Tests - 4. Analysis of Variance - Appendix: Statistical Tables.

Anna Paola Ercolani teaches Psychometrics in the Faculty of Psychology 1 at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome.

Alessandra Areni teaches Psychometrics in the Faculty of Psychology 2 at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome.

Luigi Leone has a Ph.D. in Psychology and is a teaching assistant in Psychometrics at the "La Sapienza" University of Rome.

1. Probabilità: teoremi e distribuzioni
2. La verifica delle ipotesi
3. I test statistici parametrici e non parametrici
4. L'analisi della varianza
Appendice. Tavole statistiche
Indice analitico

See also

copertina  Statistics for Psychology
copertina Psychological Testing
copertina Psicologia della motivazione
copertina Tecniche dell'intervista e del questionario