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Cover The Greek Woman
series "Universale Paperbacks il Mulino"
pp. 216, 978-88-15-28345-0
publication year 2019


The Greek Woman

In developing a comprehensive profile of female identity and life in the Ancient Greek age, the book highlights the ideas that Greek (male) civilization cultivated as regards gender inequality and women’s identity. It then describes female life courses: from birth to education, from marriage to old age. The author reviews women’s social roles – wife and mother, but also slave, prostitute, courtesan – and examines realities and myths of female power, from Aristophanes’ utopia to the Hellenistic queens. The text also explores the role of historical personalities, legendary figures, as well as intellectuals, such as Sappho or Aspasia, renowned for their great wisdom.

Maria Paola Castiglioni teaches History and Civilization of Ancient Worlds at the University of Grenoble-Alpes.

I. Immagini e stereotipi
II. Le tappe della vita femminile
III. Donne e società: i ruoli della donna greca tra sfera privata e sfera pubblica
IV. Potere al femminile tra mito, utopia e realtà
V. La sophia al femminile: saperi e competenze delle donne
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