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Cover Peter
series "Farsi un'idea"
pp. 144, Brossura, 978-88-15-27528-8
publication year 2018



The First Apostle

A key figure in the initial phases of Christianity, Peter is the first to have seen the resurrected Jesus – an event on which his authority is based and making him one of the “pillars” of the Jerusalem community. Peter’s character features strong contrasts: he combined a leader’s determination and responsibility with a man’s fragility, and in a difficult situation he did not hesitate to deny the Master. Peter’s martyrdom, which probably occurred in Rome under Nero, has indissolubly linked him to that city and helped establish – at times with grievous struggles – Rome’s primacy among Christian churches.

Claudio Gianotto teaches History of Christianity and History of Christian Origins at the University of Turin.

1. Discepolo di Gesù
Un pescatore della Galilea
Il nome
Pietro e il gruppo dei Dodici
«Tu es Petrus...»
«Prima che il gallo canti...»
2. Testimone e missionario
Il primo testimone del Risorto
Il rapporto con la comunità di Gerusalemme
Ad Antiochia
3. Pietro dopo Pietro
Martirio a Roma?
Le lettere
Gli scritti apocrifi e gnostici
Pietro e il primato della chiesa di Roma
Conclusioni. Sulle tracce dell'eredità di Pietro
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