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Cover Atatürk addio
series "Contemporanea"
pp. 160, Brossura, 978-88-15-27483-0
publication year 2018


Atatürk addio

Come Erdogan ha cambiato la Turchia

“The president/sultan is leading his people towards an accelerated re-Islamisation. His policies look to the Middle East, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Europe rather than to Europe... A basically unconcealed war is being waged on the memory of the man who attempted to bring Turkey into Europe, prying it loose from the Middle East.” Whereas Atatürk wanted a secular and Westernised Turkey, today Erdoğan is going in the opposite direction. The country is undergoing a rapid re-Islamisation, thus proving that 80 years of state-sponsored secularism never really managed to weaken mass Islamism. After the recent failed coup, Erdoğan has tightened his grip on the state bureaucracy, rejected pro-European scenarios, and aims to turn Turkey into the leader of a vast area (comprising the former Ottoman Empire) and the guiding light for Sunni Muslims. This major turning point in the history of the Turkish republic will shape the country’s future development, especially in light of its crucial role in the balance of power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Marco Guidi is a journalist, who for many years reported from Middle East and Balkan warfronts, and has regularly visited Turkey for almost half a century.

Un dubbio come prefazione
I. Il golpe fallito: Erdoğan dalla democrazia allo Stato autoritario
II. Anni decisivi: la Turchia dalle guerre balcaniche al 2002
III. Dal Refah all'Akp: storia di un successo
IV. Fethullah Gülen, da alleato a grande nemico
V. La politica estera: trionfi e fallimenti
VI. Il fascino dell'impero
VII. Chi resiste al sultano
VIII. E ora che succederà?
Un'appendice (dovuta)
Invece di una bibliografia
Indice dei nomi