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Cover Berlin as a Capital
series "Intersezioni"
pp. 220, Brossura, 978-88-15-26039-0
publication year 2016


Berlin as a Capital

Since it has resumed its role as capital of Germany, Berlin has enjoyed an extraordinary and intriguing aura. Formerly the crossroads of the Cold War, it has become a metropolitan city on the frontier of two Europes, halfway between London and Moscow. It has also become one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Compared to other European capitals, Berlin is one of the youngest and perhaps the most subject to the political and military fortunes of its home country and its cycles of defeats and rebirths. After World War I and the fall of the great Wilhelmine Empire, the city was able to renew itself in the Weimar Republic and become an artistically and culturally vital city. Reduced to a grim battlefield during Hitler’s last days, the city was rebuilt brick by brick. Actually, two distinct Berlins were rebuilt, one each for the Eastern and Western Republics, and they physically mirrored two ideologies and different facets of the national identity. Today, in a reunified Germany, Berlin’s strong and dynamic character reflects its history and simultaneously reaches out to the future.

Beda Romano is a journalist and writer who was the financial daily “Sole-24 Ore”’s correspondent from Germany (now from Brussels).

Sergio Romano is a historian, essayist and diplomat who has taught in several universities across the world.

Parte prima. Una capitale dimezzata, di Beda Romano
I. Una città malamata
II. Il lascito architettonico
III. Parchi, giardini e laghi
IV. Multiculturalismo religioso
V. L'eredità economica
VI. Lo spirito libertario
VII. Le dittature
Parte seconda. Passeggiate berlinesi, di Sergio Romano
I. Da città prussiana a città tedesca
II. La battaglia di Berlino
III. Il ponte aereo
IV. Una capitale fra due Stati
V. Divisa da un muro
VI. La città guglielmina e socialista
VII. Il socialismo tedesco dopo la sconfitta del 1918
VIII. La guerra civile
IX. L'altra Berlino alla ricerca di un passato
X. I segni lasciati dall'Urss
XI. La resa
XII. Germania e Russia: gli amici nemici
XIII. Come ricordare il passato: la sorte di due palazzi
XIV. Ritrovamenti imbarazzanti
XV. Monumenti e memoriali della Berlino occidentale
XVI. L'ebreo nella società tedesca
XVII. Il nuovo antisemitismo
XVIII. Gli ebrei e il nazismo
XIX. Il cimitero di Weissensee
XX. La riunione di Wannsee
XXI. Il grande memoriale, il passato che non passa
XXII. Le pietre d'inciampo
XXIII. Il cinema da Weimar a Hitler
XXIV. Il palazzo della storia
XXV. Storia di una ambasciata. Dalla diplomazia alla musica
Bibliografia essenziale