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Cover The Tale of Caterina
series "Intersezioni"
pp. 260, Brossura, 978-88-15-24801-5
publication year 2014


The Tale of Caterina

Who for Eight Years Dressed Like a Man

On June 16, 1743, on the road to Siena, a young servant fleeing with his lover was caught by his pursuers. Wounded by a harquebus, he would pass away a few days later. At the hospital, as his remains were being tended to, a startling discovery was made: the young boy, who had earned a reputation as an inveterate ladies' man, was actually a woman. A famous doctor, intrigued by the discovery, pieced together her full story: Caterina Vizzani pretended to be a man over a span of eight years in order to follow her then illicit inclination for women under the protection of a male identity. This detailed case history allows Marzio Barbagli to describe the story of love between women throughout the modern age: the personal experience of love, its perception in contemporary culture, the Church's outlook on the topic, as well as the views of law and science.

Marzio Barbagli is professor emeritus at the University of Bologna, where he used to teach Sociology.

I. Un fatto che ha dato molto da discorrere
II. Giovanni e Caterina
III. Un medico versatile ed enciclopedico
IV. Una donna «che s'infingeva uomo»
V. Un imene bellissimo e intatto
VI. Un'escrescenza come una fragola
VII. Un piuolo di cuoio rosso
VIII. Lo stato, la chiesa e lo strumento cilindrico
IX. Il nome della specie
APPENDICE. Giovanni Bianchi, Breve storia della vita di Catterina Vizzani Romana Che per ott'anni vestì abito da uomo in qualità di Servidore la quale dopo varj Casi essendo in fine stata uccisa fu trovata Pulcella nella sezzione del suo Cadavero, Venezia, per Simone Occhi, Con Licenza de' Superiori, 1744.
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