Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica is the official journal of the Italian Political Science Association. Established in 1971 by Giovanni Sartori, RISP has greatly contributed to the development of Italian political science and still constitutes its reference, both in Italy and abroad. A journal which matches the highest academic standards, RISP publishes three issues per year. Articles can be submitted in Italian or English, and undergo a strict double-blind peer-review process. Articles published in the RISP typically adopt an empirical approach and engage in exchanges with the international political science community and debates. Contributions are welcome from all the sub-fields of the discipline, including comparative politics, political behaviour, public policy, international relations, political economy.
Starting from 2015, the journal is published by Cambridge University Press; the backfiles are available on Rivisteweb.
Rights and authorizations. Authors having a contribution accepted for publication must fill and sign this letter of authorization. The letter must be returned to the Journal. If the letter is not returned, the contribution may be precluded its being published.
Policies regarding re-use of articles can be found also on Sherpa/Romeo.
Il Mulino adopts and promotes specific guidelines about publishing ethics.